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Top 5 Sci-Fi Movies for IT Geeks

Scified 2021-06-04 17:46:51 http://www.scified.com/articles/top-5-sci-fi-movies-it-geeks-16.jpg

Technology in today’s world refuses to stand still! It is ever changing and ever progressing – and movies dating back to the early 20th century feature advances in IT and the uses of technology in many ways. As an IT Support Company in London, we have always been intrigued by these films. Many IT professionals sometimes might find themselves rolling their eyes at the events shown in these films, while others are truly authentic and accurate. Let us look at some modern and older movies with a strong tech premise from the eyes of a London IT Support provider - after all, they know the ins and outs of a tech-based lifestyle.

We all know Sci-Fi movies are usually centered around technology and the latest advancements – here are our Top 5 Sci-Fi Movies of all time that are specially picked just for those of us who have a soft spot for IT Support in London and who enjoy a good sci-fi film every now and then. 

1 - Ex Machina (2015) - follows the story of an IT programmer who administers tests to an intelligent humanoid robot on behalf of his company’s CEO.

2 - The Matrix (1999) - one of the most well-known sci-fi films ever. Humanity is unknowingly trapped in a simulated reality.

3 - I, Robot (2004) - Will Smith plays a technophobic police officer struggling to investigate crimes in a world where technology rules.

4 - The Martian (2015) - The Martian depicts the struggles and adventures of a lone astronaut surviving on Mars. 

5 - Her (2013) - follows the story of a young man who falls in love with an artificial intelligence bot he purchased as a personal assistant.

Do you have any favorite tech-based sci-fi films that you would add to this list? There are so many great examples out there! 

Article Published:
2021-06-04 17:46:51

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