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Tony Gilroy may be taking over Rogue One: A Star Wars Story from Gareth Edwards

Scified 2016-08-04 00:20:38 http://www.scified.com/articles/tony-gilroy-may-be-taking-over-rogue-one-a-star-wars-story-from-gareth-edwards-35.jpg

We've known for a while that there's been problems going on behind the scenes of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, with Disney apparently being unhappy with the cut of the film that director Gareth Edwards presented and ordering him to reshoot, but now the shit's really hit the fan: they've appointed Tony Gilroy to take the reigns.

Gilroy is the chap who picked up two Oscar nominations for his work on Michael Clayton, in addition to directing 2012's The Bourne Legacy. He was initially an uncredited writer on Rogue One, although according to The Hollywood Reporter, Disney have now allegedly promoted him to a much more senior position.

Not only was he heavily involved with the five week reshoots, but apparently he's also supervising the edit with input from Edwards. The second point seems to indicate that Disney have hired him as a replacement director, or at least to a position where he'll have authority over Edwards. A similar situation happened with 2013's 47 Ronin, in which director Carl Rinsch was locked out of the editing room after Universal felt that he was not taking the film in the direction they wanted it to go. 

With Rogue One being released in just a few months, such a drastic change does not seem to bode well for Disney's expectations of the film. We'll be keeping a close eye in this story as it develops.

Article Published:
2016-08-04 00:20:38

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