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Terminator: Genisys Trailer Details Leaked? UPDATED!

Scified 2014-10-26 13:18:29 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/4163323720597047.png

With the release of the Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer earlier this week, we can speculate that since Age of Ultron is due for release May 1st, that Terminator: Genisys' (due exactly two months later) first teaser ntrailer should break sometime before Christmas. We say "should" because its seems Twitter user G@BRIELGR@Y has not only seen an early cut of the teaser trailer and posted a description, but has even posted low resolution images captured from the trailer (this is the same individual that leaked the Chappie pictures recently, so we'll give the authenticity of this news the benefit of the doubt). As such, and regarding the heavy criticism the rough-cut of the trailer is recieving, Paramount Pictures may (though we wouldn't bet on your chances here) be pressured into releasing the teaser trailer ahead of schedule.

TerminatorFans claim the subtitle stands for Genetic Identification System! While interesting, how does that relate to the films story, if at all? 

To save ourselves the time and effort ahead of time, we will not be featuring the images shown in the aforementioned tweets, as it would only be a matter of time before Paramount Pictures hit us with a polite yet strict request to take any such images down.

Update: Paramount Pictures dont even want us to even mention what was seen in the leaked trailer, so unfortunately we've had to delete them, sorry!

While the quality of the images from the trailer are extremely low resolution, one thing we can comment on (we think) is the framing of the shots. With an action movie a director should employ dynamic camera angles to really throw the audience into the scene - think the turning over of the truck in both Terminator 2 and again (though vertically this time) in The Dark Knight, think of the epic highway chase in The Matrix Reloaded or the aerial combat scenes in Top Gun. Unfortunately, none of what we saw in the pictures from the trailer showed any attempt at dynamic framing, a criticism the director Alan Taylor also recieved for his last movie Marvel Studios Thor: The Dark World.

Alan Taylor has done exceptional work on Game of Thrones, which (flesh-scenes aside) has become a world phenomenon with its strong characters. While this is probably where Taylor will flourish in Terminator: Genisys, the films character moments will only be as strong as the actors and the script; and with a limited range being displayed by the films lead actors (Emilia Clarke, Jai Courtney and Arnold Schwarzenegger) and a script written by the writers of Shutter Island and Drive Angry, we may be in even bigger trouble than SchmoesKnow's Mark Reilly thinks we are in (21:20 in the video below)!


Thanks to Scifider MATT for the heads up!

Article Published:
2014-10-26 13:18:29

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