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Support this Han Solo Star Wars fan film by Jamie Costa!

Scified 2016-04-21 10:10:20 http://www.scified.com/articles/support-this-han-solo-star-wars-fan-film-by-jamie-costa-12.jpg

Han Solo is getting his own official Star Wars spin-off film but before it hits the silver screen, Star Wars fans can remain satiated with a new and upcoming fan film by actor / impressionist Jamie Costa! Best known for his viral videos where he masterfully performed impressions of Harrison Ford, Robert Downey Jr. and probably most notably, the late Robin Williams, Jamie Costa is currently working on bringing young Han Solo back to the big screen in an all-knew fan film! If you haven't yet seen Jamie's impressions, get on YouTube and look him up - it's remarkable how well he matches both the sound, tone and faciel expressions of those he imitates.

One of Jamie's popular roles he's portrayed is that of Han Solo, originally played by Harrison Ford. However, instead of one-liners, Costa has teamed up with a crew to create a full length fan film based on the iconic Star Wars smuggler. Star Wars and Han Solo fans will appreciate the likeness Jamie brings to the role; a fitting substitute for the scruffy lookin' Nerf Herder himself:

Head on over to their IndieGoGo page for more information on pledging support as well as associated perks!

Article Published:
2016-04-21 10:10:20

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