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Steven Spielberg gives a deadline for Harrison Ford to return as Indiana Jones!

Scified 2015-11-30 22:39:52 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/114700376148130.jpg

The vaguest Indiana Jones rumor has a tendancy to set the internet ablaze with speculation.  This is especially predominant as the newest Star Wars movie is almost in theaters and the question of Lucasfilm's other major property returns. Disney has been extremely quick to market Star Wars to the best of its ability, however there has been little world on Indiana Jones. Spielberg has continued to make isolated statements regarding his willingness to return to the franchise. Recently, Spielberg spoke to the French Radio Station 'RTL' and described his hope for when he may be able to direct another Indiana Jones film.

"I am hoping one day to make it to an Indiana Jones V. I would hope to make it before Harrison Ford is 80 and I get much older."

The quote does not tell us much besides Spielberg's continued desire to work on the film franchise. However, it should be noted that right now, Harrison Ford is 73. This leaves seven years for a potential fifth film in the franchise to happen. It depends on how fast Disney is willing to act. Disney is looking to continue its franchise, and as Harrison Ford continues to age, his viability as an action star may become an increasingly larger issue should a fifth movie ever take place.

It should be taken as a good sign though that Steven Spielberg is now regularly making these comments. Spielberg may intend to keep the franchise in the public conciousness through this effort of mentioning it every few weeks. At the very least, the Indiana Jones rumors that go viral serve as a reminder to Disney that the franchise still maintains immense public interest, and that a revival of the franchise is greatly anticipated by the public and by the fans.

Radio Station RTL via Standard.co.uk

Article Published:
2015-11-30 22:39:52

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