Steven Spielberg recently spoke with Yahoo! Movies regarding his recent Cold war movie 'Bridge of Spies'. The article in question may be found here. The article itself is based on a transcription of an interview, which is very fascinating if you want to listen to his comments regarding his newest movie. However, what has piqued interest on the internet lately is this comment by Spielberg, which we will reproduce in blockquotes below for analysis.
Fortunately for Hanks, Spielberg has plans to reconcile this imbalance. After the next Indiana Jones, he said, “I’ve got to make another one with Tom, that’ll be five for Tom, five for Harrison. And I think I’m going to leapfrog that way for the rest of my career. With Daniel Day-Lewis in everything else!”
On the surface the comments would seem to confirm Harrison Ford's return in the titular role, as well as Spielberg's return as director. However, is this news so cut and dry? I would admit that I am the first to say how surprised I am that this news became so widespread over the course of a matter of days. Spielberg is vague and ambigious in his statements here, which is to be expected when a large property is concerned but is this truly confirmation?
The key here is to look at the language Spielberg is using. Hasty judgements when discussing genre movies is all too common nowdays. In the haste to report, time to truly look at the context of an article. Spielberg is commenting on how many movies he has previously worked on with Tom Hanks, using Harrison Ford as an example. The last comment about leapfrogging between actors for the rest of his career and the seemingly random mention of Daniel Day Lewis provide the clue. Spielberg is joking, I believe. A joke that has been taken out of proportion by much of the internet over the past few days.
It is difficult to ignore Spielberg as he is extremely influential in the movie world. And if Indiana Jones is formally announced, I fully expect Spielberg to announce that he is indeed directing. It is difficult to imagine anyone else directing this iconic franchise. I do believe he was serious about plans for Indiana Jones 5. However, Spielberg is also extremely experienced in the industry. With experience comes caution, and I do not believe he would let slip without approval Ford's return or officially announce he is directing while promoting another movie. If and when Indiana Jones 5 is announced, the studio will take advantage of the iconic nature of the franchise and choose to announce it themselves. Let us know what you think in the comments below!
Source: Yahoo! Movies
Article Published:
2015-10-12 22:43:34