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Star Wars: The Last Jedi TV spot Awake reveals new footage!

Scified 2017-11-02 06:52:20 http://www.scified.com/articles/star-wars-the-last-jedi-tv-spot-awake-reveals-new-footage-19.jpg

Following the release of the first full trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the international trailer and recent 'Destiny' TV spot didn't really add any new footage to excite fans. With little more than a month to go until The Last Jedi hits theaters, we can expect a heavy marketing campaign, in a bid by Lucasfilm to see The Last Jedi make a cool $1 billion minimum at the worldwide box office. So far the marketing for The Last Jedi has been a lot less nostalgic than it was for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, suggesting that the latest installment may not just be a recycling of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, as many critics fear. With plenty of new footage this new TV spot, titled 'Awake' adds more speculation and a building sense of hype for Rian Johnson's addition to the Star Wars saga that is inevitably only going to escalate over the coming weeks.

First, we see Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker once again aboard the Millenium Falcon, suggesting that the aged Jedi may become the new owner of the legendary freighter. The next new footage is of Supreme Leader Snoke's throne room, which carries heavy connotations to what one imagines a Nazi throne room would have looked like. We even have some adrenaline pumped footage of John Boyega 'Whooping' in only the way John Boyega can and the Millenium Falcon exploding from what we believe to be an underground cave on Crait. The most interesting new footage is that of Daisy Ridley as Rey igniting her lightsaber on what we presume to be Anch-To. Because of the footage that precedes it showing an exasperated Luke, the inference is that Rey is about to cut down a defenseless Luke, but it is also possible that Rey could be preparing to face Kylo and the Knights of Ren, as she foresaw in her Force vision in The Force Awakens.

Article Published:
2017-11-02 06:52:20

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