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Star Wars The Force Awakens Concept Art & Scene Descriptions Leaked!

Scified 2015-01-13 11:11:56 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/1240721735254443.png

A ton of Star Wars The Force Awakens concept art was supposedly leaked and reveals one of the Rebel's new starships. The artwork was leaked to Star Wars fansite StarWars7News and since they didn't want to post the images they had another artist create a mock up of the ship based on their descriptions. The new starship is called a "Tri-Wing" and looks something like this:

"I’ll start off with the less spoilerific of the three: A new rebel starship known as the “TRi-wing” (note: I’m not sure if the capitalization there was a typo, so it’s not clear to me if it’s meant to be written as TRI-wing, TRi-wing, or Tri-wing), drawn from four different angles. It has a red and grey color scheme, similar to Obi-Wan’s ship at the beginning of Revenge Of The Sith, only much brighter with both of its colors. It sort of looks like what would happen if you had some kind of mashup between an A-wing, a B-wing, and the Droid Tri-fighter. Of these ships, it most greatly resembles the B-wing, and ironically least resembles the Tri-fighter from Revenge Of The Sith. It has three large engines and three guns that are slightly larger than those of a B-wing. If the ship were flying directly at you, it would look exactly like the front side of a B-wing, but with heavy artillery and more massive engines on the sides perpendicular to the cockpit. To put it more accurately, one of the engines is where the B-wing cockpit would be stationed, while the actual cockpit is just to the side of the wings with the other two engines.

The actual cockpit of the ship is much like that of an X-wing; however, instead of having a straight-edged nose, a wedge stuck to the front of the ship pointing downward (relative to the picture above). While we’re on the subject of X-wings, I should note that the engines seem to split into semicircular exhaust ports, much like the new generation of starfighters that we saw in the trailer. One of the three guns is fairly close to the cockpit, while the other two are closer to the center. Behind these guns is something that resembles a sail, and is the part of the ship that resembles an A-wing – it’s relatively flat. I’m presuming that this sail is used to explain how this thing lands, because it doesn’t seem to have any technical purpose to the ship otherwise, and I’m having a hard time visualizing how this ship gets on and off the ground. That being said, it’s a really cool design, and I really would love to see it hit the big screen."

The team at SW7N urge that this concept art seemed to be from when Episode VII was still very early in production. In addition to the new Rebel ship, they also share some descriptions of a couple scenes which may or may not be in the final cut of the film:

The last piece we saw also looked very familiar. We remembered that it was actually already described by Jason Ward from MakingStarWars. He did a great job with the description so I’m going to directly quote him:

In the final frame, the villain is depicted as Darth Vader (he’s a placeholder). We see him from the back and several Stormtroopers stand at his side. In the distance you can see the entire village is now in flames as the Incendiary Troopers have done their work well.

There’s one difference though. According to the guy who sent these, they are burning down a rebel base. It’s really hard to tell from that piece alone and I’m not sure if he was assuming this or he knows it for a fact. Jason’s speculation that it’s a village makes more sense and he made these conclusions based on much more stuff he saw. So I’m with him on this one.

Finally, we also received a piece of art that was already leaked, so we’re not going to discuss it. It’s the one with the three characters battling on a snowy field. It was labelled as “battle on a mountain between what could be the Solo twins, and an unnamed character wearing Vader’s charred mask”. Not sure if this is only an assumption.

Special thanks to StarWars7News for the info!

Article Published:
2015-01-13 11:11:56

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