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SPOILER: Batman: Arkham Knights' Mysterious Villain's Identity Revealed!

Scified 2015-06-21 02:48:07 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/1227325347757903.png

It really is surprising in todays digital age that so many movies, TV serials and video games are capable of keeping secrets from the audience. 35 years ago it only required a few enforced NDA's to keep Darth Vaders shock announcement secret until audiences poured into their local cinemas to watch, what would become one of the defining moments of cinema history; a revelation so great it still shocks new audiences to this day...

An inherent problem in keeping such twists secret in todays age is such online communities as our own, in which fans gather together and endlessly analyse every frame of footage, every marketing release and every word uttered in interviews, stripping away each protective layer like an insane game of 'pass the parcel' until inevitably, through sheer determination of force the secret is laid bare for all to see, usually before its time, before it was intended to be unveiled.

One such highly classified secret has been the true identity of the mysterious new villain, whom also lends his name to the final game in Rocksteady Studios critically acclaimed Batman: Arkham series - the Arkham Knight. Seen throughout the games many trailers and marketing releases, the Arkham Knight has been described as a military-esque version of the Dark Knight, with much looser morals, having been employed by the Scarecrow to lead an army of mercenaries against Gotham's caped crusader.


Throughout Bruce Waynes' career as the Dark Knight he has been assisted by many friends and students, the chief among them being those that have took up the mantle of Robin. The first Robin Dick Grayson, is now known as Nightwing, while Tim Drake another former Robin is now known as the Red Robin - both of which will appear in the game to help out the Dark Knight...

This has led speculation among fans to fall between the other two (male) former Robins; Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul's headstrong son Damian Wayne and Jason Todd, whom was murdered by the Joker and resurrected by Ra's al Ghul, before adopting the anti-hero identity of the Red Hood, formerly used by the Joker. The inclusion of a Red Hood DLC for Batman: Arkham Knight has led many fans to believe the DLC will act as a precursor to the games events, and that as such, that the anti hero is the Arkham Knight.

Some lucky players have been able to get their hands on the game early, and despite Rocksteady Studios best attempts the inevitable has happened - beneath the Arkham Knights mask is another mask, that of the Red Hood, and beneath that mask, Jason Todd...

Article Published:
2015-06-21 02:48:07

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