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Sony's Venom movie to be R-rated! Filming begins this Fall.

Scified 2017-03-27 15:57:39 http://www.scified.com/articles/sonys-venom-movie-to-r-rated-filming-begins-this-fall-9.jpg

The highly anticipated upcoming Venom movie by Sony Pictures begins filming this Fall and will reportedly be filmed with an R-rating in mind!

Sources have explained to Collier that Sony intends to launch their own Marvel Cinematic Universe with the various characters they still own the rights to. Venom will be the first stage in this effort and will attempt to kick start an alternate timeline, separate to Marvel's own MCU (which includes Spider-Man Homecoming) and much like Deadpool and Logan, Sony thankfully seem to be giving Venom the R-rating he deserves.

Unlike the more lighthearted and family-friendly approach Marvel themselves have taken with their films, Venom is not a character that can be properly portrayed on screen with a PG-13 classification. Although a rating does not indicate whether or not a film will be successful or critically accepted, it is reassuring to see Sony seemingly taking the Venom character more seriously.

Sony's Venom movie is being described as a Horror, Action, Sci-Fi film and is currently set to hit theaters on October 5th, 2018.

Article Published:
2017-03-27 15:57:39

About Venom: The Last Dance

Official plot synopsis for Venom 3 has yet to be revealed.

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