Sony Pictures Entertainment president Doug Belgrad, today announced that the next instalment of the Spider-Man Cinematic Universe to hit the big screen will now be The Sinister Six, which will be released November 11th, 2016. The Amazing Spider-Man 3 has respectively been pushed back to 2018, though Sony did not state an exact date. The Sinister Six will be written and directed by Drew Goddard.No news was given regards the other planned Spider-Man Cinematic Universe spin-off, the eagerly anticipated Venom movie.
The Sinister Six first appeared in the first Aamazing Spider-Man Annual in January 1964, the super-villain team was composed of well known Spider-Man enemies - The Vulture, Sandman, Electro, Kraven the Hunter, Mysterio and their leader Doctor Octopus. However since their first formation, the group have changed their line-up and the number of members, but which incarnation or adaptation of the team will we see in the planned movie?
Takiing into account both the ending of the Amaziing Spider-Man 2, and the scene showing the Oscorp Corporations vaults Scified Heroes speculates that the movie line up of the Sinister Six will include Doctor Octopus, Vulture, Venom nd that the team will be brougt together by the Gentleman!
Thanks to Variety for the news!
Article Published:
2014-07-23 14:21:09