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Second Attack on Titan Trailer (UPDATE: Now w/ Subtitles!)

Scified 2015-04-18 10:37:29 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/546495784174690.jpg

UPDATE (MAY 3, 2015):
Madman, who will be distributing the movie to Australian and New Zealand theaters later this year, have released the latest trailer with English subtitles. The dialogue reveals what kind of deviation we can expect from the anime/manga. While humanity has observed peace for 100 years, unlike the manga they have not seen a titan in that timespan. Eren seems to be the first to scoff at the possibility that titans exist. So why continue living in the walls? Take a look at the subtitled version below:

ORIGINAL ARTICLE (APRIL 18, 2015): Sure both the Star Wars and Batman v Superman trailers debuted in the last two days, but another genre film, not to be overlooked, also unveiled new footage in the last couple of days. Shinji Higuchi, co-director of the upcoming Godzilla '16, has been polishing his live action adaptation of Hajime Isayama's Attack on Titan and it looks grand.

The new trailer reveals more titan action and the characters amidst the chaos. Using classic toku special effects techniques with CG enhancements, Attack on Titan looks to push the genre even further with its immense scale. Take a look:

Attack on Titan will premiere in Japanese theaters August 1st, 2015. The movie's sequel, Attack on Titan: End of the World will hit September 9th, 2015.


Follow GMAN on Twitter at GMANonScified



Article Published:
2015-04-18 10:37:29

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