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SDCC Hot Wheels First Order Stormtrooper Car Revealed

Scified 2015-06-18 08:21:05 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/1777850697118079.jpg

Last week, we got a first look at three new pieces of Star Wars: The Force Awakens merchandise, all of which focused on the newly revealed First Order Stormtrooper. One of the 3 pieces revealed last week was a brand new character car from Hot Wheels.

At the time, it was unknown if the car would be sold at San Diego Comic Con this coming July, but now, thanks to our friends over at Jedi News UK, we have an answer! Yes, the First Order Stormtrooper character car will be sold at SDCC in just a few weeks time!

Not only that, but the SDCC exclusive version that will be sold at the show will also come enclosed in a nice, protective case. Hot Wheels has confirmed, via their official Twitter account, that this is indeed how the new Star Wars character car will be sold to buyers at San Diego Comic Con!

Will you be adding this awesome car to your geek garage come San Diego Comic Con?

Sources: Hot Wheels & Jedi News UK

Until next time, Infinite Earths fans!   

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Article Published:
2015-06-18 08:21:05

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