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RUMOR: J.J. Abrams to Direct Star Wars Episode IX

Scified 2015-03-19 07:25:20 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/2822124708356543.jpg

Although Star Wars: The Force Awakens is still months away from release, it sounds as though Disney and Lucasfilm are already preparing the team for the final installment of the new trilogy, Episode IX.

And who may be a member of that team, you may ask? Why, none other than J.J. Abrams! Rumors indicate that he is being considered for the role of director on the final installment of the new Star Wars trilogy, after Rian Johnson takes a crack at things in Star Wars: Episode VIII.

Again, as of right now, this is a rumor and nothing more. Additionally, it sounds as though the powers that be at Disney have seen some footage from The Force Awakens and are very happy with what J.J. has done.

Star Wars: Episode IX isn't due to hit theaters until 2019, so things may change between now and then.

Again, take all of this as a rumor for the time being. 

Source: Latino Review

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Article Published:
2015-03-19 07:25:20

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