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Rita Repulsa & Logo Revealed for Power Rangers Movie

Scified 2016-04-19 11:57:05 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/3210973873056041.jpg

Last week, at Lionsgate's Cinemacon, the production company revealed the new logo for Saban's Power Rangers. Following that image, we've been treated to our first look at the film's iconic villain, Rita Repulsa. Played by Elizibeth Banks, the new Rita is a rather shocking departure from the character originally known as Bandora in Super Sentai Zyuranger.

Where to begin? Although I like to stay optimistic about productions as long as possible there's an air disappointment to both. The simplistic new logo for the movie is oddly less eye-catching and dramatic than the iconic 21 year old font used since Power Rangers Zeo (the fourth season of the franchise), seen below:

But where a so-so logo is only slightly disappointing, Banks' Rita Repulsa is outright baffling. Revealed today by Entertainment Weekly, the new Rita is a confusing design that calls to mind everything from Marvel's Loki, to emerald patrons from the Wizard of Oz and, unfortunately, Uma Thurman's Poison Ivy from Batman and Robin. It's one thing to do something new--Encouraged even! But this is simply unrecognizable...

Some have noted that the new Rita looks more like series' reoccurring villain Scorpina. Ranger fan Morgan Lamia has even gone as far as recoloring the armor to match Rita's favorite femme fatale:

If this is the deviation made from Rita Repulsa, how far removed will the Ranger costumes be from what we know and love? Optimism can only be taken so far, but what do you think of the new logo and Elizabeth Banks as Rita? Are you excited for this new take? Is it too far from what we know as Rita Repulsa? Let us know in the comments below.
Entertainment Weekly
Movie Web
Morgan Lamia

Article Published:
2016-04-19 11:57:05

About Power Rangers

High school teenagers (with attitude) are summoned to become superhuman heroes who defend the world against evil. At their disposal is an arsenal of powerful weapons and colossal vehicles known as, "zords".

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