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James bond Actor Richard Kiel has passed away at 74

Scified 2014-09-10 20:46:51 http://www.scified.comhttp://seeklogo.com/images/J/James_Bond_007-logo-328EC2A122-seeklogo.com.gif

Empire Magazine has reported that Actor Richard Kiel has passed away. Richard Kiel died today at the age of 74, although no cause of death has been given as of now. Richard Kiel is perhaps best known for playing the villanous 'Jaws' as an imposing henchman in 'MoonRaker' and 'The Spy who Loved Me'.

In these two films, Kiel portrayed 'Jaws' as a force of nature who could not be bested by James Bond's strength alone, but required him to utilize his wits. He became a iconic and legendary villain, not only due to his physical prowress, but to his memorable appearance in his steel teeth. In addition, he was one of the few villains that survived to menace Bond in subsequent films, adding to his apparent indestructability

Kiel began his career in television, landing guest roles in several high profile shows such as 'I Dream of Jeannie', The Man from U.N.C.LE., and The Wild Wild West. His breakout role in filmwas in 'The Spy Who Loved me'. However, although his career is most notable for his appearance as one of Bond's iconic Villains, he went on to star in other films such as 'Happy Gilmore','Pale Rider', and voiced a character in 'Tangled'.

(Richard Kiel 1939-2014)

Our Take: This is truly a sad time not only for Bond fans, but for movie lovers everywhere. His iconic performances as Jaws will certainly never be forgotten, and will live on. We share our condolences to the family at this time, and we mourn his passing. He will be greatly missed by all of us, and it is a loss to everyone.

Article Published:
2014-09-10 20:46:51

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