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Power Rangers Pushed to 2017

Scified 2015-05-01 16:39:15 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/2499998980097839.jpg

Yesterday Lionsgate announced several release date changes in their schedule, among them is the live action Power Rangers reboot. Originally slated for a summer 2016 release, the Rangers will now morph to the big screen January 13th, 2017.

While it's entirely possible that the change has to do with Liongate shuffling other movies into their schedule, and the film itself is progressing slower than originally planned, Power Rangers has already hit some bumps. From the rumors of rejecting Chronicle writer Max Landis's treatment, to Bob Orci's exit and the slow movement on finding a director, only to land on the little known Dean Isrealite, the film is not off to a great start.

The first quarter of the year is practically a graveyard for event films. It seems to be the month studios release movies they have little confidence in and are prepared for a mild writedown. (Seventh Son (2015), Robocop (2014), etc.) It seems Power Rangers may be no different. There are massive exceptions to the rule of course, but at this point it's hard to have confidence this will be one of those examples.

As I've praised before, writers Ashley Edward Miller and Zack Stentz are the film's most boast worthy talent. Here's to hoping their script gives Mr. Isrealite little room for error.

Power Rangers now hits theaters January 13th, 2017.


Follow GMAN on Twitter at GMANonScified





Article Published:
2015-05-01 16:39:15

About Power Rangers

High school teenagers (with attitude) are summoned to become superhuman heroes who defend the world against evil. At their disposal is an arsenal of powerful weapons and colossal vehicles known as, "zords".

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