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Pierce Brosnan almost was cast as Batman?

Scified 2014-08-20 23:37:11 http://www.scified.com/sites/img/1031214957239373.jpg

 Bond Fans may know Pierce Brosnan as the fifth actor to play James Bond, but recently he admitted that he was approached for another iconic role- Batman. Pierce Brosnan's tenure as James Bond spanned four films, and this would have been a second major franchise for him.

In an AMA with Reddit today, Brosnan gave details:

""I went and met with Tim Burton for the role of Batman. But I just couldn't really take it seriously, any man who wears his underpants outside his pants just cannot be taken seriously. That was my foolish take on it. It was a joke, I thought. But how wrong was I?" "Don't get me wrong, because I love Batman, and I grew up on Batman. As a kid in Ireland, we used to get our raincoats and tie them round our neck and swing through the bicycle shed..." 

Brosnan turned the role down at the time due to his perception of how the character was being portrayed in the script. This was still well before the advent of the Super Hero cinematic age, and so any ventures involving comic book characters were seen as very risky at the time as well. However, he asserts in his statement that as a fan of the character, it is something he regrets. 

James Bond shares many similarities with Batman though, both using high-tech gadgets and being highly trained in hand to hand combat. Brosnan would have been a good fit for the role physically as he was already physically trained to play James Bond. It is possible that he may have been able to make the transition from secret agent to Caped Crusader with little difficulty.Would he have made a good Batman? Your opinion below:

Article Published:
2014-08-20 23:37:11

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