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Pacific Rim: Maelstrom going a very different route claims director Guillermo del Toro!

Scified 2015-10-10 14:40:31 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/1388196490258770.png

Guillermo del Toro is currently promoting his latest film, the epic gothic romance Crimson Peak; a movie that is very much a showcase for the mexican director's unique style, much in the same way that 1992's Batman Returns was a tour-de-force of director Tim Burton's unique style. Another movie that exuded del Toro's unique style was 2013's premature foray into the Kaiju movie genre, Pacific Rim. Never before in western cinema has a director been so bold as to bring towering monstrous creatures and goliath piloted robots to the big screen in such glorious high definition.

Speaking to Digital Spy the director spoke about the sequel to Pacific Rim, subtitled Maelstrom, the release of which has been cast into doubt recently through conflicting misinformation from both production company Legendary Pictures and del Toro himself. During the interview the director was very cryptic about what we may see in the sequel...

"We're going a very different route [for Pacific Rim 2]."

"Pacific Rim had what I used to call 'Gothic tech' - the storm, the rain, it was very tempestuous [and] atmospheric - and [Pacific Rim 2] has a lot more daylight, for example." 

"I cannot say what, but we have elements that are different. You still get kaiju, you still get mecha, and then you'll get... a few new things."

What could del Toro be hinting at? We here at Scified think we know, but rather than reveal it here we will maintain the mystery a little longer and cover it in another article. Watch this space!

Article Published:
2015-10-10 14:40:31

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