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Over 80 Apes in New Dawn of the Planet of the Apes TV Spot!

Scified 2014-05-28 10:50:26 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/999765515759006.png

La Planete des singes, written by French author Pierre Boulle in 1963, was a science fiction novel in which the crew of spaceship discover a manuscript detailing how three characters discovered a planet similar to Earth where apes were the dominant species and human-like creatures are wild, untamed beasts. The story concludes with the revelation that the planet is in fact Earth, thousands of years in the future as a result of time dilation, the crew having unwittingly returned home.

After inspiring an original movie franchise spanning 5 movies from 1968-1973 and a remake in 2001, the sequel to 2011's highly acclaimed reboot of the franchse looms ever closer towards its July release in theatres. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, like the 1973 movie Battle of the Planet of the Apes, tells of Caesar and the apes rise to dominance in the ruins of post apocalyptic Earth. While desperate humans and evengeful apes push the inevitability of war to the brink, Ceasar, his loyal followers and open minded humans strive for a peaceful co-existence.

Article Published:
2014-05-28 10:50:26

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