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Nice Night For A Walk Terminator Genisys Clip Released!

Scified 2015-06-23 23:21:46 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/2717465958736699.png

For Terminator fans, especially the hardcore ones, there are two elements about this new instalment that have caused the most upset. The first is the whole concept of resetting the franchise and thus by extension retconning all of the previous movies out of existence, not just the sub-par ones; which would have been much more welcomed. We actually like the idea, at least for the first half of the movie - Skynet sending a Terminator to terminate Sarah Connor as a child makes sense and in-all-honesty more of that part of the story would have been more interesting, especially seeing the iconic Terminator amidst the disco era of the 1970's. As for the second half of the movie, we will get to that in another article.

The second element that has upset fans and general movie goers is the constant barrage of callbacks and homages to the original movie; in the trailers and TV spots alone the number is getting frighteningly high, which in itself is worrying enough but it is of even more concern when they get it wrong multiple times over in the same scene, as they have done with the following clip...

Initially the scene looks reminiscent enough of the same scene from the original that most movie goers will probably let this scene pass by without notice. Okay, despite alleged self praise about their CGI work, the visual effects and lip sycn for the CGI Terminator are comparable to that seen in Salvation, looking too fake and too crossed eyed. But when compared to the orginal scene below it becomes apparent that with some clever editing a CGI Terminator wasn't even needed until it rushed the Guardian Terminator...

Of course, after watching the above clip from the original, even more errors become evident such as the mix up of two of the punks hair do's - it was the centre punk (originally portrayed by Bill Paxton) that had a mohawk not the blonde haired punk (originally portrayed by Brian Thompson). It also becomes evident that with some clever editing, as mentioned above, there would have been no need to recast the trio of punks at all.

Article Published:
2015-06-23 23:21:46

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