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New X-Files trailer highlights shows new monsters!

Scified 2015-10-28 14:17:38 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/495604756011548.png

A typical season of the X-Files, as with any good serial TV show, was composed of three types of episodes. The first type of episodes are the "Arc episodes", in which the narrative that helps build the shows mythos is explored, and usually spans multiple seasons of the show. The second episode type, though usually limited to one per season was the "silly episode", in which the TV show usually pokes fun at itself and/or its contemparies. The third type of episode, which usually makes up the bulk of a TV show was the weekly feature - In Fringe this was weird cases, in Castle it is the murder of the week, but for the X-Files it was the beloved monster of the week.

These monster episodes gave us some of the X-Files most emorable characters, such as the infamous Tooms, whom first featured in the 21st episode of the shows first season. With the return of the show for a six episode miniseries, some fans may have been worried that the new episodes would just cater to tying up the series arc, but thankfully show creator Chris Carter has not forgotten what made the show so beloved in the first place with confirmation in the latest trailer (below) that the shows "Monster of the Week" will return for some of the six new episodes...

Article Published:
2015-10-28 14:17:38

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