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New Turtles TV Spot Shows Glimpses of Raphael & Splinter!

Scified 2014-04-14 04:37:36 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/1077950868477389.png

The Michael Bay produced Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, directed by Jonathan Liebesman has come in for a lot of flak since it was announced. First there was the misconception that the Turtles were going to be aliens - which turned out to be a misunderstanding regards the brothers origins (The ooze responsible for their transformation was originally of alien origin, having belonged to Krang), then there was the outcry at certain changes to the lore - Oroku Saki becoming Eric Sachs, the possibility of the brothers having originally been human etc. And then there was the first trailer that revealed the Turtles new look, complete with Shrek-like nose and lips.

Yet despite ignoring the classic, preferred and much better looking original look of our favorite heroes in a half shell (as pictured above), at least it seems they haven't ignored the dynamic between the brothers - we are of course referring to the abomination that is the 1990 song 'T-U-R-T-L-E Power', by Partners in Kryme, which was used to promote the live action movie released the same year and which also mis-labelled Raphael as the groups leader - in the comics, cartoons and films it has always been Leonardo that has been burdened with leading his brothers.

Although many fans are hoping that Paramount Pictures will force Liebesman to alter the Turtles faces to a more classic look before the movie releases in August we do have a TV spot that gives us a glimpse at the aforementioned Raphael and the groups mentor, sensei and father-figure Splinter...

Article Published:
2014-04-14 04:37:36

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