Sent to Earth before the extinction of the Dinosaurs, a team of Autobots that "camouflaged" themselves as various forms of prehistoric behemoths are awakened by Autobot leader Optimus Prime and his team to aid in the fight against the deadly bounty hunter Lockdown and the human created decepticons, that have turned against their "masters".
Despite all the talk of the Dinobots and whether or not we will see them transform into their robot forms, and whether or not they will speak, not much attention has been focused on the new antagonist Lockdown. While it is known that he is a bounty hunter, and presumably his bounty is Optimus Prime. What is not known is whom has contracted the services of the deadly bounty hunter. With Megatron destoyed in Dark of the Moon and resurrected as galvatron by the humans in this new film, it is highly unlikely he is the contractor. Could it be another villain set to appear in 2017 planned sequel? Presumably Paramount Pictures will use Unicron as the antagonist in the sixth movie, so who could this villain be? Will they appear in a post credit scene?
Article Published:
2014-06-16 03:07:16