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New Star Wars: Battlefront II, Starfighter Assault gameplay trailer!

Scified 2017-08-20 01:12:38 http://www.scified.com/articles/new-star-wars-battlefront-ii-starfighter-assault-gameplay-trailer-78.jpg

EA DICE's reboot of Star Wars: Battlefront received a lot of criticism, most of which was deserved. Somehow EA took a well-established series that had been developed and nurtured by Lucasarts and stripped it of all of its redeeming features and tried to sell what was left through the attraction of nostalgia. The game looked awesome, beautiful even, but the gameplay was not even a shadow of its former self. Considering EA's history of monetizing every aspect of their games and the lengths they have gone to in the past to maximise their profits on the smallest of content (The Sims 2 stuff packs anyone), the last thing anyone would have expected was Star Wars: Battlefront II.

The upcoming sequel has seen EA admit they screwed us last time around, and it would seem from all of the footage we are seeing from the new game that they are apologizing on groveling hands and knees. Especially with the awesome news that the game will not feature a season pass or charge its player base for any DLC, which looks set to be seasonal much like it is in Overwatch.

The above trailer, which does show off actual gameplay (but without the HUD) is so filled with nuggets and easter eggs you may need to watch it multiple times. One example is the brief appearance of Kylo Ren's TIE Silencer which we are to see in the next movie, due this holiday season; Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Kylos personal fighter can be seen, just, flying towards camera just before the developer logos appear at the start of the trailer. We also spotted Boba Fett's Slave 1 flying past the Millenium Falcon, and of course Jedi Master Yoda's personal Jedi starfighter.

Article Published:
2017-08-20 01:12:38

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