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New Look Shredder from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Divides Fans!

Scified 2014-06-17 15:31:08 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/2112939177797653.png

The negative comments that hit ever since the first trailer for the Michael Bay produced Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was released seem to have affected the movies lacklustre marketing campaign. If it wasn't bad enough that the creators Kevin Eastman Peter Laird are completely divided on the films "redesigning of a classic" approach to the much loved franchise, the fans have been just as vocal - calling the four brothers Shrek look-a-likes, criticizing Megan Fox's casting as April O'Neil, slating the antagonists westernization from Oroku Saki to Erich Sachs - It seems director Jonathan Liedesman can't catch a break. And it doesn't look like he'll be catching one any time soon with voice actor recastings, a plethora of uninspiring released posters and now a detailed look at the Americanized villain Shredder in his all his glory, ahead of a rumored new trailer.

In reaction to this pivture many fans have have referenced bladed contemporaries such as Edward Scissorhands, Freddy Krueger, Sweeney Todd and even Megatron, but in all fairness not even 1991's live action TMNT II: Secret of the Ooze's Super Shredder had that many blades. It really does seem as no-one involved in the making of this movie has any love nor respect for the original property they are adapting - for comparison here is another image of the leader of the Foot Clan, as seen in the 2003 cartoon series...

Or even better a piece of fan art by Deviantart Artist TamplierPainter...

Do you like the movies new look shredder or have your cherished childhood memories been ruined beyond recognition?

Article Published:
2014-06-17 15:31:08

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