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Movies That Will Motivate You to Get in Shape

Scified 2020-10-02 13:51:02 http://www.scified.com/articles/movies-that-will-motivate-you-get-shape-39.jpg

Ripped actors in movies draw massive attention. That said, most people desire to achieve the same level of fitness as their favorite movie star. While it might seem unlikely, you could use the motivation to work on yourself. This article will feature some of the best films that can get you pumped to do better at the gym. All of the actors in these movies were in the most remarkable shape while on set.

Pumping Iron

Pumping Iron is an awe-inspiring movie that will make you want to take your time at the gym seriously. It stars Arnold Schwarzenegger in his quest to win the coveted Mr. Olympia title. The film was shot in the golden age of bodybuilding. You will undoubtedly relish every minute of this movie and the only thing you will want to do is get fit. So, if you are grappling with your workout schedule, watch this film.

Fight Club

The moment you start watching Fight Club, you will want to see more and more. It is a classic fight movie that features some of the fittest actors you will ever see. Besides that, it has an exciting storyline. You will learn about incorporating mental strength into your weight training routine.


In real life, boxers spend hours working out to get ready for a fight. When you watch a boxing match, you will realize each fighter is quite fit. In the movie Southpaw, you will notice that Boxer Billy is in the best shape anyone can ever be in. After drawing inspiration from Southpaw, you can get More Help by investing in steroids to supplement your workouts and help you achieve your goals.


Have you ever watched Iwan McGregor in some MMA action? Well, you probably want to see more of that. Warrior is the perfect fitness film. It stars good-looking fighters and you can tell that they have been paying immense attention to the gym. Once you watch this movie, you will want to work much harder at the gym.


There are many movies with ripped actors, but none can beat Commando. Arnold Schwarznegger shot this movie at the prime of his career. If you wonder what perfect muscle looks like, you have to watch this movie. When you envision what he looks like when working out, you will want to keep going.

Thor: Ragnarok

In Thor, Chris Hemsworth is in godlike shape. He must have worked out big time weeks before the movie. If you had seen him shirtless a few months before the movie, then you would have noticed the change in his body. His muscles are sculpted. They are all defined to perfection. Watch Thor today and you will want to get more out of your weightlifting routine.

Working out is challenging. Sometimes you are motivated to put in the work, while other times, you want to skip the sessions. The best way to keep going is to find a way to keep going.

Watching one of these movies once in a while will keep you in the right spirit to achieve your fitness goals.

Article Published:
2020-10-02 13:51:02

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