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Major changes coming to Halo: No campaign DLC, switch to Unreal Engine and more.

Scified 2023-02-04 10:38:04 http://www.scified.com/articles/major-changes-coming-halo-no-campaign-dlc-switch-unreal-engine-more-18.jpg

There are some major changes coming to Halo and 343 Industries' handling of the property - changes that might or might not be a welcomed shift. Microsoft have taken to serving massive layoffs across multiple departments within its company and one of those departments happen to be Halo developers, 343 Industries. While this initially led fans to speculate on the likelihood and stability of future Halo projects, 343 have confirmed they will continue to develop Halo, but the direction they take may be undergoing some major changes.

Bloomberg reports that although 343 will continue working on Halo, there is talk of them ceasing to develop the game on the Slipspace Engine platform and instead develop new Halo titles on the Unreal Engine. The switch to Unreal Engine might open more doors for Halo from a developmental standpoint, given that that engine seems to be more robust and streamlined than Slipspace.

There is also talk that Halo Infinite's campaign story DLC is potentially being scrapped - with 343 instead focusing more exclusively on online multi-player content, despite the campaign for Infinite being well received.

At this time, no concrete announcements have been made, but it appears Microsoft and 343 Industries are busy behind the scenes making some profound changes to how they plan to handle Halo and any future projects. As new details become available we'll keep you posted!

Article Published:
2023-02-04 10:38:04

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