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Main Cast of Suicide Squad Officially revealed~

Scified 2014-12-03 23:14:23 http://www.scified.comhttp://seeklogo.com/images/J/James_Bond_007-logo-328EC2A122-seeklogo.com.gif

(Photo Credit: FayesVision / Alberto Reyes / Lia Toby / WENN.com)

Yesterday, the main cast of Suicide Squad was announced by Greg Silverman, the president of creative development at Warner Brothers Pictures. He confirmed officially that Will Smith would play Deadshot, Harley Quinn would be played by Margot Robbie, Tom Hardy would play Rick Flagg, Jai Courtney would play Boomerang, Cara Delevigne would play Enchantress. Probably the most intriguing casting news is that Jared Leto has been cast as the Joker.

Silverman gave a tidbit of information also in his announcement, declaring that the movie would give 'New Meaning to what it means to be a villain and what it meanst to be a Hero'. Unpacking this quote, it certainly does seem that this will be a driving conflict in the movie. Considering that the team is consisted entirely of villains as well. Not only are we obtaining a villanous point of view in this film, we are also able to uniquely determine what their motivations might be.

The most exciting casting tidbit is also found in the confirmation of Harley Quinn and Joker as in the film. Joker has never been in any incarnation of Suicide Squad as a team, which makes his inclusion interesting. He may be featured in flashbacks, or in an antagonistic role, due to the nature of his relationship with Harley Quinn. It is known from the comics, that the two have a tumultous relationship at best, and that Harley has been traditionally been depicted as obsessed with the joker, which may cause turmoil for the team.

Suicide Squad is currently set for release on August 5, 2016. Justin Marks will be writing the Screenplay, and David Ayer is assigned to directing the movie. It will be the third installment in the DCU after Dawn of Justice, and the first DC movie to be centered directly around villains. Shooting begins in april, after two months of pre-production in Toronto, Canada.


Article Published:
2014-12-03 23:14:23

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