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Mads Mikkelsen claims Rogue One to be a different take on the Star Wars universe!

Scified 2015-11-26 13:51:08 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/1178334056799605.png

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will be the first non episodic Star Wars movie. Directed by Godzilla's Gareth Edwards the movie, set before the events of A New Hope follows the Rebel Alliance Special Forces team Rogue One, whom have been tasked with stealing the plans to the Empires deadly new weapon; the Death Star. The members of Rogue One are to be portrayed by an ensemble cast which includes Felicity Jones (Amazing Spider-Man 2), Donnie Yen, Forest Whitaker, Alan Tudyk and Mads Mikkelsen (Hannibal). Speaking recently to IGN Mikkelsen, whom also played villain Le Chiffre in Daniel Craig's first Bond movie Casino Royale, revealed that the movie while being set within the Star Wars universe, will have its own, unique feel...

IGN: I know better than to try and get anything out of you plotwise about Rogue One, but the minimal imagery we’ve seen from Rogue One looks a bit different from what we traditionally think of for Star Wars. Does it seem like they’re going in a bit of a different direction, as far as tone?

Mikkelsen: "I believe that is true to a degree. It’s still the Star Wars universe, but there is… There might be a personal take on that from Gareth [Edwards], as well. And it should be like that, right? And tomorrow you will find me dead in a river somewhere because I said that."

IGN: [Laughs] Is it strange and surreal to realize you’re in Star Wars, given what it is and how big it is?

Mikkelsen: "It is a big thing, but so was Hannibal and so was Bond. The thing is, we don’t go to change the “thing” about it. We address it as a job. We focus on the character and start working."

"We also are aware that it’s the Star Wars universe. We are aware. But that hat, we can’t wear all the time. We have to focus on each individual scene. So I think this is one of these things that will dawn on you later when you actually see the film. In the midst of it, it’s a different thing."

Article Published:
2015-11-26 13:51:08

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