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Mace Windu Lives!

Scified 2016-06-29 15:20:33 http://www.scified.com/articles/mace-windu-lives-29.jpg

I sh*t you not. Despite Anakin Skywalker chopping off his hand and receiving a full blast of Force lightning from Sheev Palpatine, and being flung across the skyline of Coruscant both Samuel L. Jackson and George Lucas agree that Jedi Master Mace Windu likely survived his terrible ordeal. Replying to fan on Twitter Jackson stated...

“In my mind, I’m not dead. Jedis can fall incredibly high distances and not die.”

Elaborating on his characters fate, Jackson told EW radio the following...

“Of course, he is! Jedi can fall from amazing distances. And there’s a long history of one-handed Jedi. So why not?”

“But George doesn’t have anything to do with it anymore... George is like, ‘I’m okay with that. You can be alive.”

Could a battle-scarred, robotic handed Mace Windu make an appearance in Star Wars Rebels (pictured below, by engel dm) or even the sequel trilogy?

Article Published:
2016-06-29 15:20:33

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