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Luke Skywalkers The Force Awakens Costume Revealed!

Scified 2015-08-13 16:21:33 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/2958956229943557.png

Of the returning cast from the original trilogy there has been much speculation as to how Luke Skywalker, portrayed by Mark Hamill, will appear in the movie. Last seen officially in 1983's Episode VI - Return of the Jedi, the character was seen attired entirely in black, with a black leather glove covering his prosthetic hand; even the chracters hooded cloak was black (see picture below). These dark tones were used again in the finale of the prequel trilogy, Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, in which Anakin Skywalker's attire was composed of black and dark browns. These colors were used to show the characters possible persuasion to the Dark Side of the force, as exemplified by all other force sensitive characters clothing. All of Jedi wore light beige, creams and light brown colored attire while the Sith typically wore all black, with the exception of Count Dooku, whom was also attired in dark browns, possibly showing his status as a former Jedi.

So with Luke's choice of color in Episode VI and the dark footage presumed to be of the character seen in the trailer resting his robotic hand upon R2-D2 many fans have speculated that Luke would continue to be adorned in dark shades as before and similar to those worn by his father, Anakin in Episode III. This has fuelled speculation that Luke may be struggling with the Dark Side of the force. Even more controversially some have speculated that Luke may have turned to the Dark Side and be the true villain of the new Episode VII, due for release this december. Well, thanks to Star Wars 7 News all of the fan theories of an evil Luke Skywalker can finally be put to rest, with the first image of Mark Hamill in full costume for The Force Awakens...

Article Published:
2015-08-13 16:21:33

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