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Lone Gunmen to return for The X-Files Revival Miniseries!

Scified 2015-07-22 12:23:43 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/10396207166772.png

Lone Gunmen Byers, Frohike and Langly (pictured above) will be appearing in at least one of the six episodes that will make up the revival miniseries of The X-Files. The trio of geeks whom were series regulars became so popular among the fans that a 13 episode spin off series focusing on the trio was green lit and aired, before being cancelled due to low veiwership. It has been reported that Dan Haglund, whom portrayed Langley confirmed recently that he and co-stars Bruce Harwood (Byers) and Tom Braidwood (Frohike) will return while he appeared at the Camelot Lounge in Sydney, Australia, "Today, they contacted us. We’re shooting July 28. The gunmen are in the final six."

Fans and avid watchers of The X-Files may remember that in the 15th episode of series 9 of The X-Files, entitled 'Jump The Shark' the Lone Gunmen were all killed off when they sacrificed themselves during an attack from a bio-terrorist whom was also one of their former hacker colleagues. However, the deaths of the Lone Gunmen were retconned in the comic book continuation of the series, whereby it was explained that the trio faked their deaths with assistance from the FBI, and have since been working underground assisting the US Governement. It will be interesting to see if the comic books amendment is mentioned or inferred in the revival miniseries.

Article Published:
2015-07-22 12:23:43

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