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Liam Hemsworth in talks to star in Independence Day 2!

Scified 2015-01-27 20:51:44 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/3575784728216550.png

The Wrap is reporting that Hunger Games star Liam Hemsworth has been offered a role in Roland Emmerich's Independence Day sequel which is currently set for a June 24th, 2016 release date. Whether or not Liam will accept the role has yet to be seen, but following this week's potential plot and character information leak, it's likely the role he could hypothetically play would be that of the "hotshot pilot" who is dating Patricia Whitmore, the President's daughter - one of the two main characters expected to be the focal point of the action throughout this film, assuming the leak was accurate.

Aside from Hemsworth, Michael B. Jordan was also offered a role for Independence Day 2, but no word on if he has accepted the role yet has been confirmed and according to this week's potential leakJeff GoldblumVivica A. Fox and Judd Hirsch will all be reprising their roles from the first Independence Day for the sequel.

Source: The Wrap

Article Published:
2015-01-27 20:51:44

About Independence Day: Resurgence

After Independence Day redefined the event movie genre, the next epic chapter delivers global catastrophe on an unimaginable scale. Using recovered alien technology, the nations of Earth have collaborated on an immense defense program to protect the planet. But nothing can prepare us for the aliens’ advanced and unprecedented force. Only the ingenuity of a few brave men and women can bring our world back from the brink of extinction.

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