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Lexcorp viral site launched to promote Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice!

Scified 2015-10-09 02:05:07 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/4455525732982490.png

Ridley Scott's Promteheus has a lot to answer for. It was bad enough that following the controversial 2012 science fiction chiller almost every movie copied the style of Prometheus' trailer, but whats worse is that every odd movie that Hollywood studios want to hype up as the next big blockbuster now seems to get a viral website. This sites usually represent some company or organisation within the movie such as with Prometheus' Weyland Industries and RoboCops Omnicorp (which no longer appears to be online), and now we have Warner Bros' very own Lexcorp website.

The site comes complete with its own promotional infommercial, which makes a lot of noise though actually says very little; though it does promote the fictional new operating system called Lex-OS.the websites slogan as seen in the video "Lets Build A Better Tomorrow, Today" continues the parallels with Prometheus Weyland Industries slogan "Building Better Worlds."

To accompany the launch of the Lex-Corp website an interview with its CEO Lex Luthor (portrayed by Jesse Eisenberg) has become available courtesy of IGN. In the video the young billionaire reveals his rivalry with the CEO of Gotham City's Wayne Enterprises, billionaire Bruce Wayne...

Article Published:
2015-10-09 02:05:07

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