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Kathleen Kennedy talks the future of the Indiana Jones Franchise!

Scified 2015-12-09 11:18:06 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/5756720877458364.jpg

The impending release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens has garnered much media attention. However, lost in the clamor over the new Star Wars movie has been any discussion of Lucasfilm's plans for a new Indiana Jones movie. Recently, The Hollywood Reporter got a chance to sit down and talk about her upcoming and future projects. The subject of Indiana Jones was breached when they asked her about Indiana Jones 5. Her response is quote below.

"We're all trying to figure out when the right time is to step back in. Harrison really wants to do it; Steven really wants to do it. We've kicked around a couple of story ideas, but beyond that, I don't know yet. I think there will be one, we'll certainly move forward with Indy. But right now, everybody's just focused on Star Wars."

This answer has not been unexpected given Ford's and Spielberg's recent comments regarding the franchise. It does indeed seem as if there is a willingness to go ahead with an additional installment in the franchise, but at the same time a sense of hesitation. 

The film is still extremely early in development, such that a final story idea still has not yet been decided upon. It is also not surprising that plans for Indiana Jones 5 are being stalled until after the Force Awakens releases. Perhaps development on continuing the Indiana Jones movie series will resume in January or February. One can certainly hope. But still, this is a extremely good sign with all of the parties seemingly on board to do another movie.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Article Published:
2015-12-09 11:18:06

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