The hotly anticipated new trailer for the Justice League has been revealed at the San Diego Comic Con and subsequently released online. Despite the recent rumors that Ben Affleck may not reprise his role as Batman after the movie, this new trailer has done what it promised, and what we expected. It has gotten us excited about the forthcoming movie in which Affleck and Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot are joined by Jason Mamoa and Ezra Miller to form DC Comic's premier superhero team; the Justice League.
While we hope that the movie builds upon the successes of Wonder Woman and avoids the pitfalls of Suicide Squad and Batman v Superman, the trailers cliffhanger is a simple yet effective piece of marketing gold, that is if they can keep the identity of whomever Alfred is speaking to a secret. Though if one was to speculate, we suggest it could be the inclusion of Kara Zor-El, AKA Supergirl. The character's inclusion was hinted at in 2013's Man of Steel and at 1:42 it looks as though Affleck's Bruce Wayne may be watching a hologram of what could be Supergirl (pictured below).
Unfortunately, though fans were not treated to the first official look at Supermans new black costume they were instead treated to a new stylized poster/banner to promote the movie.
Article Published:
2017-07-22 14:26:22