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J.K. Simmons Talks Terminator: Genisys!

Scified 2014-10-02 09:25:50 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/2513106123626793.png

While promoting director Damien Chazelle's comedy / drama Whiplash actor J.K. Simmons, best known as modern audiences J. Jonah Jameson from Sam Raimi's Spiderman trilogy (as pictured below) spoke to Coming Soon about joining and filming alongside Arnold Schwarzengger and the rest of the cast from director Alan Taylors sequel / reboot to the Terminator franchise - Terminator Genisys.

"It's a gigantic movie and that was such a surprise when they sent that to me and asked me to do it. I thought 'Well, obviously it's a gigantic movie and on that level, it's something most actors would want to be a part of, but is it just going to be the formulaic yadda-yadda-yadda then cut to the stuff blowing up?' But I found the script to be really much more intelligent and fun and funny and well-rounded and heart-felt. It's a love story. It's a really interesting script. They got great actors. I wrapped that in August, so that was another movie that ended up being really satisfying on all levels. I have a much smaller part in that but it was really a fun thing to be a part of."

"Most of my stuff was with Jai Courtney and Emilia Clarke and Arnold was very involved or rather I was involved in a fair amount of stuff with Arnold. I spent very little time actually with Jason Clarke, but yeah I got to work with all four of the leads of the film and from the table read on, I was just favorably impressed by everybody's work. Also everybody's attitude and what they brought to work with them every day and how there was no BS and diva tantrums. It was a good experience overall."

In regards to the movies highly secretive story Simmons remarked:

"I felt I could give too much away by saying that I get to work with all those actors but people know the characters that they're playing, so it was a lot of fun and I look forward to sequels to that one."

While at its core 1984's The Terminator, directed by James Cameron, was a tragic love story between lead characters Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn) and Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), Terminator: Genisys has been reported to interweave between the events of The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day, which would suggest an action adventure story in which the lead characters are attempting to undo the alleged changes to the timeline post T2, effectively retconning the last two instalments out of the timeline.

Unfortunately, if the premise of Terminator: Genisys is as speculated above, it will in actuality damage the timeline of the entire franchise irrecoverably, and result in an virtually guaranteed future war victory for Skynet.

Article Published:
2014-10-02 09:25:50

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