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Immortan Joe Showcased In All New Mad Max: Fury Road Trailer!

Scified 2015-03-31 11:29:46 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/404189427748209.png

Immortan Joe, played by Hugh Keayes-Byrne, is the masked leader of the 'War Boys' Gang. Formerly known as Colonel Joe Moore, Joe most likely fought in the wars that arose when the planets fuel dried up. A survivalist Joe created a savage outpost in the wastelands of the old world, ruling over those beneath him with a lack of empathy or compassion, killing any that would oppose or challenge him. To further instill fear in others Joe wears a death mask constructed from horses teeth, which seems to allow him to breathe. Keayes-Byrne, played the motorcycle gangleader Toe Cutter in the 1979 original.

The new trailer, above, gives us our first true look at Mad Max: Fury Roads villain, his fearsome home and a brief glimpse at the starting moments of the movie, showing how Max (Tom Hardy) and Furiosa (Theron) come to be pursued by Immortan Joe and his 'War Boys' gang.

Article Published:
2015-03-31 11:29:46

About Mad Max: Fury Road

From director George Miller, originator of the post-apocalyptic genre and mastermind behind the legendary “Mad Max” franchise, comes “Mad Max: Fury Road,” a return to the world of the Road Warrior, Max Rockatansky.

Haunted by his turbulent past, Mad Max believes the best way to survive is to wander alone. Nevertheless, he becomes swept up with a group fleeing across the Wasteland in a War Rig driven by an elite Imperator, Furiosa. They are escaping a Citadel tyrannized by the Immortan Joe, from whom something irreplaceable has been taken. Enraged, the Warlord marshals all his gangs and pursues the rebels ruthlessly in the high-octane Road War that follows.

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