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Halo TV series off to a rocky start, Episode 1 fails to please fans of the games.

Scified 2022-03-26 13:25:47 http://www.scified.com/articles/halo-tv-series-off-to-rocky-start-episode-1-fails-please-fans-the-games-72.jpg

The showrunners behind Paramount's Halo TV series admitted to having never played any of the Halo games prior to developing the series adaptation - and it shows.

This week saw the first episode of the first season drop on Paramount's Plus streaming network and to the dismay of many Halo fans, it failed (hard) to captivate and replicate the wonder, imagination and excitement of the games of which it is based on. Across the internet, fans have voiced their likes and dislikes of the show's pilot episode, the latter of which far outweigh any praise. What exactly went wrong? What went right? We'll break it down for you.

What they got right:

The series is off to a rocky start, but that doesn't mean it can't redeem itself as the show evolves. Creatively, the show did get some aspects of Halo right:

Where they dropped the (Odd)ball:

It's evident the people behind this series don't really know much about Halo and its lore. They are trying to establish a new timeline (dubbed the Silver timeline) to avoid acknowledging any of the canonical details which would otherwise make this show way more enjoyable.

The big question now is - who is the Halo TV series for exactly? If it's goal is to cast a wider net and bring in new fans to the franchise who might otherwise not have been avid gamers, sure, but if those new Halo fans get inspired by the show and pick up Combat Evolved for the first time, they'll be so confused by the disconnect. If the show is intended to benefit the hard core fans of this franchise who have been invested in its lore for two decades, then they really have no idea of what they're doing. Either way, it's unclear what the goal of this series is, besides showcasing once again, why Halo's live action adaptations have remained (and should remain) in development hell.

With all that being said, the Halo TV series has already been green-lit for a second season, insinuating Paramount are confident (or at least hopeful) that their use of the Halo IP will captive a wider audience and retain a profitable viewership. Given that fact, we hope Paramount listens to the fans of this beloved franchise and starts doing Halo justice.

Have you watched Halo yet? What were your impressions? Sound off in the comments below!

Episode 2 drops next week!

Article Published:
2022-03-26 13:25:47

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