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Gwendoline Christie’s Star Wars VII Chrome Trooper Captain Phasma, Secretly a Dark Side User? Not a Sith Lord.

Scified 2015-05-05 09:21:37 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/551078878384148.png

Yesterday we saw a monumental amount of Star Wars: The Force Awakens news hit the web in celebration of Star Wars Day (May the fourth). There was so much revealed, it was easy to miss some of the many updates put out by various media outlets. Today, we take a closer look at Game of Thrones star Gwendoline Christie’s Star Wars VII character, the high-ranking 'Chrome Trooper', as referred to by fans. Her actual name is Captain Phasma. Professional photos of his armor both suited and un-suited were revealed during Vanity Fair's coverage of the film's production, which they boast in their latest issue.

It's clear, Captain Phasma is going to be one bad-ass force to be reckoned with during The Force Awakens. The current rumor is that Captain Phasma is a Sith Lord in disguise. Early reports suggest that Gwendoline Christie was going to be the film's Sith. We should clarify, that the consensus regarding the use of "Sith" in The Force Awakens is relatively unconfirmed. Instead, we've heard use of the term "Dark Side User". Given that there are only ever two Sith in existence at any given time, a Master and an Apprentice, it's likely certain individuals have studied the arts and attempted to gain powers associated with the Dark Side of the Force on their own accord. But without a Master, they never attain the role of "Sith Lord", and remain proteges to the cause, being named "Dark Side Users" instead.

I'm sure as the film's marketing continues, more of these rumors will be fleshed out. Be sure to check back often for constant updates!

Article Published:
2015-05-05 09:21:37

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