Actor John Boyega has shared a new photo of Gipsy Danger to his official Instagram account. The image is in black and white and the photo lacks any caption of any sort.
Gipsy Danger was the star Jaeger mech in Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim and was piloted by Charlie Hunnam and Rinko Kikuchi's characters respectively. However, the finale of Pacific Rim saw Gipsy Danger sacrificed in order to close the bridge between the Kaiju world and Earth. So, there is no way the original Gipsy will make an appearance in Pacific Rim 2.
Boyega posting this image could mean nothing at all, but it could also mean that somehow the PPDC recreate Gipsy Danger, or perhaps even a more advanced version of it in the sequel, Pacific Rim: Uprising. Considering Rinko Kikuchi's return to the sequel is still very possible, we can't rule out the resurrection of Gipsy Danger either. As new details concerning this news surface, we will be sure to keep you posted.
Source: Instagram
Banner artwork for this post created by Spader7 on DeviantArt.
Article Published:
2017-01-21 13:33:25