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Frank Marshall denies Indy Rumors + comments on the Status of Indy 5!

Scified 2015-06-18 22:42:10 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/605822119829777.jpg

The internet has recently experienced a resurgence of rumors that Indiana Jones 5 will be imminently announced, as well as the possibility of Chris Pratt being given the role. However, as of yet there has not been any official comment to substantiate these rumors besides Chris Pratt repeatedly denying them. However, this week we have a few new pieces of news to consider and ruminate on, and I will go over them.

The first one is a rumor from the website 'Aint it Cool', indicating a possible date for Indiana Jones 5. To paraphrase the website, they have heard that Lucasfilm has internally earmarked the fourth quarter of 2018 for Indiana Jones 5. The website stressed that this was a rumor however, and that it may be subject to change. This would mean a fall release for Indiana Jones 5 if true would mean a start time for Indiana Jones 5 when Harrison Ford is 75 years old.

The second major piece of news comes from Slashfilm and would seem to indicate that the previous rumor we have discussed above is untrue. While this excerpt we will quote comes from an unfinished interview with Frank Marshall, it is our opinion that it is worthy of republication here. Most notably Frank Marshall attempts to quash two of the most prominent rumors. The quotes are below reproduced from Slashfilm.

"We've had no discussions on Indy 5 to date."

It should be noted though that this response was elicted from Frank Marshall after the interviewer asked if the Chris Pratt reports were just internet rumor. This puts it in a vague territory as it is hard to define what exactly Frank Marshall may have meant. Perhaps it is intentionally so, as the company would want to publically announced casting and a release date rather then that be released unofficially. 

This is puzzling given the Aint it Cool report, but could be due to normal studio secrecy. It is not unexpected that Frank Marshall would dismiss Pratt's casting as a rumor, at least until an official press release comes out. However, it is entirely possible that the studios may be entertaining an entirely different actor. Of course with Star Wars being prepped for Main line installments and spinoffs, Disney may have other priorities for Lucasfilm. And the runaway sucess of Jurassic World may have kept Marshall busy with other negotiations for some time to come.

Time will tell if an Indiana Jones 5 comes to light...but right now a release date of 2018 does not seem outlandish. Let us know what you think in the comments!

Sources: Aint It CoolSlashfilm

Article Published:
2015-06-18 22:42:10

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