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Fourth Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TV Spot released!

Scified 2014-07-06 03:54:31 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/2196521121653373.png

Despite all the negativity and bad press that has surrounded the upcoming big screen adaptation of everyones favorite ninja brothers, one can't help but feel that from what footage has been released thus far, that the movie is essentially going to be a CGI update of the first movie adaptation released back in 1990 - the Foot terrorize New York causing the Turtles to become heroes, April catches the Turtles on camera eventually becoming friends with the Turtles, Foot leader revealed to be the Shredder, Turtles face Shredder, Master Splinter defeats Shredder... Cowabunga! The only difference in this shrek-alike reboot is the absence of vigilante Casey Jones (formerly portrayed by Elias Koteas).

Article Published:
2014-07-06 03:54:31

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