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Fans Tested with new Star Wars: The Force Awakens covers from Empire!

Scified 2015-08-21 22:48:26 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/495066880991836.png

While we have been waiting for the original images used for the two Star Wars: The Force Awakens collectors edition covers of the latest issue of Empire magazine, it seems the creator of these images, presumably Lucasfilm themselves, are tesing the true resolve of the fans of the long running saga. The two covers, one of which depicts Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma and General Hux, and the other cover of which depicts Finn, Rey and Poe Dameron (and BD-8), at first seem impressive, but a second glance reveals otherwise.

The "Dark Side" cover, situated within the hangar of a Death Star or Star Destroyer, also features a squad of Stormtroopers facing away from us, on the right side of the image. Yet on closer inspection fans will recognize the helmet and armor design is that of the classic Stormtrooper, not the new, streamlined design (see comparison below).


The "Light" cover, based upon the movies desert planet (Jakku or Tattooine) includes the legendary Millenium Falcon on the right side of the image. Again on closer inspection fans will recognize that the Falcons radar dish is actually the round one, as seen in episodes IV-VI, not the new rectangular one as seen in trailers for Star Wars: The Force Awakens (see comparison below).

It seems that fans may have to remain vigilant over the coming months, as we highly doubt that we have seen the last of this sly tom-foolery from Abrams and co.

Article Published:
2015-08-21 22:48:26

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