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Exclusive review of The X-Files Official Collection: Volume 1!

Scified 2016-01-13 10:18:19 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/821317297357499.jpg

For $19.99 the first volume of The X-Files Official Collection, subtitled "The Agents, The Bureau and The Syndicate" was released yesterday by Titan Comics.

I originally intended to post a review of this great offering from Titan Comics yesterday to conicide with the collections launch but was unable to do so for two reasons - 1) the collection is nearly 200 pages long and 2) I had not finished reading it.

Presented in a retro 1990's magazine style the collection is a thorough, in depth and highly detailed retrospective look at the previous nine seasons of the hit US TV show. Filled with interviews, episode guides, features, posters, lists, facts and so much more this collection explores every aspect of the shows many characters, the FBI and the shady organization known as the Syndicate.

What is not featured in this collection are the many creatures, monsters and aliens that featured so heavily in The X-Files. They have been left for the second volume, subtitled "Little Green Men, Monsters and Villains" which is due to be released March 8th for the same price of $19.99. If this collection is anything to go by the second volume should be huge and just as riveting to read.


As for opinion of the collection I'll keep it simple - If you're a X-Files fan, get it! Its that simple. I can't put it down so much I think I'm gonna read the whole thing again.

Article Published:
2016-01-13 10:18:19

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