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Deadpool Creator Confirms X-Force Script Is Complete!

Scified 2014-03-25 14:08:16 http://www.scified.com/sites_pics/1109078886034451.png

Deadpool was last seen on the big screen at the end of the 2009 X-Men Origins: Wolverine. In which Wade Wilson, portrayed by Ryan Reynolds was turned into the new Weapon X project by Colonel William Stryker; an amalganation of all of the powers possessed by the members of Team X (pictured below), of which Wade Wilson served in with Wolverine earlier in the film.

Ever since then Ryan reynolds has been fighting to get a solo Deadpool movie greenlit by 20th Century Fox, but to-date the studio have played hardball and seemingly refuse to okay a movie about a disfigured homocidial assassin suffering from amnesia and a habit of talking directly to the audience.

Yet now it seems we may have a slight glimmer of hope that Deadpool may return to the big screen sooner than we thought, with a tweet from Deadpools creator Robert Liefield no less, whom confirms that a script for X-Force is complete...



This may actually work to Deadpools advantage. Having already seen him in one ensemble team, Team X, in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, having the "Merc With A Mouth" re-team up with Wolverine and a group of former X-Men and new mutants such as Psylocke, Fantomex (with E.V.A.) and Archangel (as pictured below) would not only expand Fox's XCU (X-Men Cinematic Universe) with another spin-off franchise, but could "test the waters" as whether or not Deadpool will work comfortably enough (for Fox) on the big screen.

Although the script may be complete, Fox's mutant schedule is somewhat heavily populated at the moment, with May 23rd giving us Days of Future Past, and Apocalypse due May 27th 2016 and Wolverine 2 due March 3rd 2017, could X-Force be Fox's un-named 2018 release?

Article Published:
2014-03-25 14:08:16

About Deadpool 3

Official plot synopsis for Deadpool 3 has yet to be revealed.

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