In the realm of movie rumors, there have been none more pervasive or contentious then Chris Pratt being possibly up for the role of Indiana Jones. However, the star has at last answered some of these questions in a guarded excerpt of an interview with the magazine 'Movie Magic' in the most recent issue. While the bulk of the interview is about 'Jurassic World', Chris Pratt takes some time to lay rumors to rest. We will quote the excerpt here and you can make up your own mind.
Movie Magic: "While I realize these are just rumors at the moment, if you were offered the role of Indiana Jones, what would your feelings be about taking on that character?"
Chris Pratt: "Well its sacred territory, that's for sure. Just like Jurassic is to me. I've watched these movies as a kid and they were a big part of my fabric and my makeup. It would be thrilling but at the same time theres a big responsibility to not screw that up. I don't think I would just blindly go into it with enthusiasm I think I'd be pretty critical from the beginning, it would have to be perfect in order to do it. I think that's probably why it's taken so long for them to want to do another reboot after number four. Because that's sacred territory. The fans, they want to protect that, and rightfully so because its really important. I think it would be thrilling, but I'm kind of like the people who go visit Jurassic World. It needs to be pretty damn perfect for me to get excited."
A few things we can extrapolate from this interview. One, Chris Pratt seems hesitant to be involved with Indiana Jones, and has taken the overall fan response to Kingdom of the Crystal Skull into consideration. He does indicate however that he is a big fan, and that it has shaped him as a person. However, he alludes to the considerable rumored issues with getting a script in order for a film to be greenlit. That may be the source of his hesitancy to say whether or not he is involved with the film at this point.
So as of right now, it would appear that Chris Pratt may be waiting for a treatment or offer that is more appealing to him then current drafts. Or he may not be involved with the project at all. Indiana Jones 5 has not been officially announced yet, although that may change in the near future. Considering that Disney has recently announced a large slate of Star Wars movies, it would be odd indeed if the Indiana Jones franchise also recieved a film expansion as well.
Article Published:
2015-04-24 16:43:54