Next weekend one of the most creative, loved and reverred television shows to have ever be created will be returning back to its rightful home of the small screen. Thats right, The X-Files is almost back...
In the above trailer we see the return of The Smoking Man, portrayed by William B. Davies, who proclaims to whomever he is conversing with on his phone...
"We have a problem! They've re-opened the X-Files!"
You're damn right they have, and even as just a passive X-Files fan I can say that I am overjoyed at the return of theshow, even if it is only for six episodes. Or is it?
While appearing at the Television Critics Association’s winter tour recently both the shows creator, Chris Carter, and the co Chairman of Fox Television, Gary Newman, expressed interest in producing more episodes...
Carter: “I’m waiting for Fox to say we want more of these,"
Newman "The biggest impediment to going forward with ‘The X-Files’ was the schedules of David [Duchovny] and Gillian [Anderson]. Even the other night at the premiere, we were all laughing and joking about doing this again."
Article Published:
2016-01-16 08:03:25