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Bond 24 filming date revealed

Scified 2014-09-12 15:25:49 http://www.scified.comhttp://seeklogo.com/images/J/James_Bond_007-logo-328EC2A122-seeklogo.com.gif

The filming of Bond 24 has been eagerly anticipated by Bond fans all over the world. Dailymail has gained new information detailing when filming for the twenty-fourth James Bond adventure will begin. The following is a direct quote from the DailyMail article:

"Director Sam Mendes will gather his Bond 24 cast, led by Daniel Craig, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris and Ben Whishaw, in late November for a read-through of the script, with principal filming set to begin on December 6." We will break this down.

First of all, this news indicates that a cast reading of Bond 24 is to take place in November. Therefore, this is pre-production. The mention of Naomie Harris as still being a lead, may indicate that Moneypenny will continue her interactions with James Bond, in a continuation of the end of 'Skyfall'. The re-introduction of Ben Whishaw's Q may also indicate the return of a 'gadget' scene as well. Of course, the primary exciting moment here in news is the filming date. The filming date being so close to the script reading indicates a tighter lid on the script, especially so that the actors may have it fresh in their minds.



Bond 24 will be the fourth film for Daniel Craig in his role as James Bond. Previously having been in 'Casino Royale', 'Quantum of Solace', and most Recently, 'Skyfall'. Sam Mendes is confirmed to be returning to direct as well. The release date for Bond 24 is November 6, 2015 in the United States, and as of yet, it lacks a formal title.

Article Published:
2014-09-12 15:25:49

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